Lemmy ei jaksa, Motörhead perui jälleen
Motörhead perui perjantaisen Denverin keikkansa, päivää Utahissa keskeytyneen keikan jälkeen. Motörhead joutui keskeyttämään torstai-illan keikkansa Salt Lake Cityssa vain kolmen biisin jälkeen. Lemmyn hengitys ei sujunut toivotulla tavalla korkeassa ilmanalassa (V2.fi-uutinen).
Bändi selittelee Facebookissa;
"The Rocky Mountain High has affected Lemmy like the high altitude of Salt Lake City. It's been quite a while since Lemmy was this 'high' in the U.S., and thus having got a burst of altitude sickness (which made it hard for him to breathe and sing properly), he has very reluctantly decided not perform in Denver. Lemmy is really sorry and wants to thank the fans for their support and trust. He looks forward to the next-up Texas shows…at low elevations."
Lemmyn porukan seuraava keikka on tiistaina Austinissa.
Bändi selittelee Facebookissa;
"The Rocky Mountain High has affected Lemmy like the high altitude of Salt Lake City. It's been quite a while since Lemmy was this 'high' in the U.S., and thus having got a burst of altitude sickness (which made it hard for him to breathe and sing properly), he has very reluctantly decided not perform in Denver. Lemmy is really sorry and wants to thank the fans for their support and trust. He looks forward to the next-up Texas shows…at low elevations."
Lemmyn porukan seuraava keikka on tiistaina Austinissa.
Keskustelut (1 viestiä)
Rekisteröitynyt 18.01.2015
30.08.2015 klo 07.40