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Doom metal -veteraanin laulaja karkoitettiin - bändi jatkoi kiertuetta

14.11.2014 klo 18.03 | Luettu: 2907 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Yhdysvaltalaisen doom metal -veteraani Sain Vituksen vokalisti Scott "Wino" Weinrich joutui ongelmiin viranomaisten kanssa keikkamatkalla Norjassa. Tiettävästi rokkarin hallusta löydettiin metamfetamiinia. Pidätyksen jälkeen Weinrich sai karkoitusmääräyksen takaisin kotiin.

Bändin tiedote kertoo seuraavaa:
"Saint Vitus would like to regretfully inform all of our European fans that our lead vocalist Wino was detained by the Norwegian police and immigrations officers for possession of illegal substances since Sunday, November 9th. As of 4 p.m. yesterday evening (November 11th), we were informed by his Norwegian defense attorney that he would more than likely be released that same day and be able to continue the remaining dates of our European tour. This morning we received notification that Wino was being deported today back to the U.S. with no hope to remain in Scandinavia or anywhere in the EU".

Saint Vitus ei kuitenkaan antanut vastoinkäymisten lannistaa, vaan jatkoi keikkoja kolmen miehen voimin. Viimeinen Euroopan keikka soitetaan lauantaina 15.11.

"We will still deliver the HEAVY sound to all of our friends in Europe and it is our hope that everyone will understand our position to go forward with the remaining dates without Wino. [guitarist] David Chandler and [drummer] Henry Vasquez, along with a few surprise guests, will take over vocal duties and this will be a rare opportunity to see VITUS with main songwriter David Chandler vocalizing his tormented tales of pain, heartache and DOOM".

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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Keskustelut (1 viestiä)


15.11.2014 klo 00.18

Harmi, Laulaja antaa kyllä hyvän astmosfäärin musiikkiin.

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