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Näin Iron Maiden reagoi entisen laulajansa kuolinuutiseen

Tänään klo 01.12 | Luettu: 1375 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Metallisuosikki Iron Maidenin entinen laulaja, Paul Di’Anno, on kuollut 66-vuotiaana.

Di’Anno oli mukana Maidenissa vuosina 1978-1981. Miehen ääntä kuullaan albumeilla "Iron Maiden" ja "Killers".

Maidenin jälkeen Di'Annolla oli mm. bändit Battlezone ja Killers.

Rokkarin kuolinsyystä ei ole annettu vahvistusta, mutta Di'Anno kärsi moninaisista terveysvaivoista.

Alla Iron Maidenin julkistama tiedote:

"We are all deeply saddened to learn about the passing of Paul Di’Anno earlier today. Paul’s contribution to Iron Maiden was immense and helped set us on the path we have been travelling as a band for almost five decades. His pioneering presence as a frontman and vocalist, both on stage and on our first two albums, will be very fondly remembered not just by us, but by fans around the world.

“It’s just so sad he’s gone,” comments Steve Harris. “I was in touch with him only recently as we texted each other about West Ham and their ups and downs. At least he was still gigging until recently, it was something that kept him going, to be out there whenever he could. He will be missed by us all. Rest in peace mate.”

We were very grateful to have had the chance to catch up a couple of years ago and to spend time with him once more. On behalf of the band, Rod and Andy, and the whole Iron Maiden team, we extend our deepest sympathies to Paul’s family and close friends. Rest In Peace Paul"

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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