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Reckless Love julkisti infoa jatkostaan Ollin Popeda-pestin jälkimainingeissa - 'We will come back'

23.01.2024 klo 01.11 | Luettu: 728 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Olli Hermanin Popeda-pesti siirtää Ollin toisen bändin, Reckless Loven, määrittelemättömän pituiselle telakkakomennukselle.

Reckkless Love aktivoituu, kun siihen on sopiva aika.

Lisäksi bändin rumpali Hessu Maxx poistuu muiden haasteiden pariin.

"Our decision was mutual and formed over a long period of time. We want to emphasize the fact that this was not a rushed decision. There is no hard feelings or drama involved from either side, as we all feel this was a natural developement within the bands internal relations. We want to thank Hessu for his hard work for the band, all the fun we’ve had on the road and all the great things we have achieved together over the years. We wish Hessu all the best for his future endeavours".

"We will come back" - luvataan Reckless Loven leiristä.

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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