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Saksalainen metallisuosikki hehkuttaa somessa Tuskan keikkaa - 'Mitä helvettiä oikein tapahtui'

06.07.2023 klo 17.55 | Luettu: 1709 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Saksalainen Electric Callboy on suuri nimi ympäri mantereen, niin myös Suomessa.

Metallisuosikki oli "tungettu" Tuskassa telttalavalle, joka oli tilaisuuteen aivan liian pieni. Tulijoita olisi ollut paikalle toinen mokoma.

Myös bändi itse hehkuttaa keikkaa yhdeksi parhaista festarikokemuksistaan:

"What the hell was that?! One of the best festival shows so far. I think next time we need a bigger boat. Hol* sh*t you were so loud".

Myös bändin somessa fanien kommentit ovat ylistäviä:

"Gotta be main stage next time, holy shit. I couldn't even see the stage, had to watch the screens outside and vibe with the music"

"My first, but definitely not last time seeing you live. It was insane, pure madness - one of the craziest gigs I’ve ever been to. Loved every second! The first row was wild, some bruises, but I survived. Thank youuu so much from the bottom of my heart. And tent was way too small for you - next time you should on main stage as a headliner"!

"The show was so good, it show have been on the main stage. By far the best band of the festival and it has become important to me. So much fun".

"VIELE DANKE, you made me cry on The pit during hurricane IT was so damn beutifull".

"That was totally the best party in Tuska. Everyone in the tent were raving like mad".

"Definitely think we were hampered by the tent’s scorching heat. I’d’ve jumped higher there had been oxygen available. Come back tentless and give us more chances".

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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