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Torille, suomalaisen musiikkigenrensä mestarin uudelle albumille hurjasti kehuja maailmalta

17.06.2023 klo 03.02 | Luettu: 1565 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Micke Björklöf & Blue Strip julkaisee tänään 30-vuotisen uransa kunniaksi uuden studioalbumin "Colors of Jealousy".

Pitkän ja komean uran tehneen yhtyeen kahdeksas albumi henkii 1980-90-luvun blues-estetiikkaa ja kertoo elämästä, sen iloista ja suruista juuri niin rouheasti, kuin vuodet ovat antaneet aihetta.

Albumi julkaistaan samana päivänä Euroopassa fyysisenä ja digitaalisena julkaisuna ja maailmanlaajuisesti digitaalisesti. Albumi on saanut erinomaisia arvioita kansainvälisissä musiikkimedioissa:

Rocktimes, Saksa
"Colors Of Jealousy” shines with variety, it is blues from the top shelf.

Hooked On Music, Saksa
Really good blues rock and a really cool album.

Der Hörspiegel, Saksa
This album deserves to be heard several times, because new nuances can be discovered with every listening. 8/10

Soundanalyse, Saksa
They are consistently at a high level. So high that, in my opinion, Micke Björklöf & Blue Strip not only made one of their best albums with “Colors Of Jealousy”, but also cover art looks good on the CD shelves of blues fans.

Fotos bluesrock and more, Saksa
“Colors Of Jealousy” is a beautiful, varied blues and roots album.

Rockblog.Bluesspot, Saksa
"Colors Of Jealousy” crowns Bjorklof's career. The album is an ear candy beyond compare.

Music That Needs Attention, Hollanti
What's in the barrel doesn't sour.
This band still sounds very driven after more than thirty years. The more than excellent Colors of Jealousy features a text booklet with beautiful artwork. “More than an excellent album.”


PlatoMania, Hollanti
Groundbreaking Finnish blues rock band Micke Bjorklof & Blue Strip sails in the waters in which quality always comes to the surface. (On Top Of Blues)

Rootstime, Belgia
With their eighth album "Colors Of Jealousy" Micke Bjorklof & Blue Strip will certainly establish themselves in roots and blues music.
The band is stretching genre boundaries and is definitely worth discovering Finland as not only the country with the fascinating winter lights, but also as the country with blues music.


Paris-Move, France
A Must / Indispensable
We consider this CD as essential.


Eclipsed, Saksa
Micke Bjorklof always wins when he dedicates himself to the blues and blues rock. This is where he finds the greatest authenticity.

Stereo, Saksa
They don’t give a damn about current trends, they remain true to rustic and rough blues rock. It just works without innovations. 4/5

Levyllä vierailevat taustalaulajat Lena Lindroos ja Veera Railio sekä kosketinsoittaja Harri Taittonen.

Levyn julkaisee Hokahey! Records (jakelija Playground Music).

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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