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Hydraulic press -pariskunta Lauri ja Anni ovat eronneet - näin käy suosituille Youtuben murskausvideoille

12.01.2023 klo 19.47 | Luettu: 8987 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Murskaaminen hydraulisella puristimella on aivan mahdottoman hauskaa, kuten olette YouTube-videoilla huomanneet.

Mutta mitä ihmettä, Hydraulic press -pariskunta Lauri ja Anni Vuohensilta ovat eronneet!

Erosta päätettiin jo ennen joulua.

Miten käy huippusuosittujen murskausvideoiden - jatkuvat, mutta Laurin rinnalla nähdään toinen nainen.

Vuodesta 2015 lähtien Hydraulic press channell on ihastuttanut YouTubessa murskaamalla mitä tahansa - 3.4 miljoonaa tilaajaa ei voi olla väärässä. Ota haltuun myös Laurin Beyond the press -channel.

Palataan asiaan, eli Laurin ja Annen ero aiheuttaa sen, että Anne jää pois murskaustoiminnasta.

Laurin uusi kumppani Hanna on jo nähty viimeisillä videoilla, joten muutos ei tule "puskista".

Lauri painottaa, ettei Hanna liityy eroon, vaan eroon Annin kanssa päädyttiin yhteisymmärryksessä ja ystävyys on säilynyt.

Alla Laurin tiedote kokonaisuudessaan ja aiheesta perusteellinen video (jolla Lauri ja Anni puhuvat erosta, ja eroon liittyneistä yksityiskohdista):

"We decided to divorce with Anni some time ago. There isn’t any drama behind it. We just have so different energy and life goals nowadays that it’s much easier to be just friends. Everything between us is really well and we are still good friends.

Anni also want’s to get completely out from the Youtube business and lets me have fun with the company and channels from now on. We don't have any argument about money. We share what we made together and I will continue with the channels from here. So you are not going to see her much in future videos. She said that at least on Hydraulic Press Channel’s 10 year anniversary she is going to make appearance :D

Since the videos are much better when made together I decided to start work with my new girlfriend Hanna. You have actually heard Hanna on more often than Anni during the last months on HPC. So no need to complain that the videos used to be better before the divorce :D

The reasons behind divorce have nothing to do with Hanna or any other person than me and Anni.

If you want a more detailed update, here is a link to my finnish channel where we made a podcast episode about our divorce with english subtitles. https://youtu.be/CIwfUzjH-OA

I hope that you get our positive feeling about divorce through that video so you don’t need to worry about us.

Me and Anni are happy with the current situation and how things are going. Getting divorced is really easy in Finland compared to the US for example, so there isn't a lot of stress or crazy amounts of fees and paperwork. We have good memories about the 12 years that we spent together and are now excited to move on to the next phase of our lives.

I didn’t want to do video on main channels since they are not about my personal life but when "Anni" is suddenly much shorter and has a blonde hair I think you need some explanation :D

So we are all three doing really well here and no need to feel sad about this in general. I would like that everyone remembers all the great things that we did and are happy that we can now do great things here with Hanna and Anni can find her new passion from somewhere".

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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