Kelly Osbournen uusi duuni sukeltaa syvälle kasariin - tästä on kyse
Ozzy ja Sharon Osbournen tytär Kelly on aloittanut AXS TV:llä uuden sarjan "The Very VERY Best Of The 80s".
Kuten nimestä voi päätellä, ohjelmassa ollaan syvällä kasaritunnelmissa. Ja mukana on myös julkkisvieraita kommentoimassa parhaita 80-luvun muistojaan.
"Having been born in the ‘80s, this decade has always been close to my heart, and I know so many people around the world feel the same way. Whether you lived through it, just missed it, or barely remember it, the ‘80s gave us some of the greatest music, movies, TV, toys, and more that are still impacting and influencing pop culture today".
Kuten nimestä voi päätellä, ohjelmassa ollaan syvällä kasaritunnelmissa. Ja mukana on myös julkkisvieraita kommentoimassa parhaita 80-luvun muistojaan.
"Having been born in the ‘80s, this decade has always been close to my heart, and I know so many people around the world feel the same way. Whether you lived through it, just missed it, or barely remember it, the ‘80s gave us some of the greatest music, movies, TV, toys, and more that are still impacting and influencing pop culture today".
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