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Alexi Laihon Bodom After Midnight julkaisee huhtikuussa

10.02.2021 klo 20.44 | Luettu: 1286 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Alexi Laihon viimeisen julkaisu, Bodom After Midnightin EP-levy Pain The Sky With Blood julkaistaan 23.4.

Julkaisijana toimii Napalm Records.

Levy on saatavilla digitaalisena sekä cd- että vinyyliformaatissa.

"Like ourselves, Alexi was beyond stoked about these songs and anxious to get these out so we are happy that we can fulfill his wish. Needless to say that we are honored and proud to be a part of his very last creative work and unleash it the way he wanted it to. It’s time to let the beast out of the cage one more time as a celebration of Alexi’s music, legacy and the man himself."

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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