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Lordin erikoiskeikka lähestyy - somevideoiden perusteella hirviöporukkaa ei voi enää pysäyttää!

14.05.2020 klo 20.40 | Luettu: 1409 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Lordi Scream Stream lähestyy, oleltko valmis.

Perjantaina 22.05.2020, klo 22:00. Livestream katsottavissa Keikalla.fi -palvelun kautta.

Lordin tyypit ovat enemmän kuin valmiina nousemaan lavalle:

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

#SCREAMSTREAM - Introducing the Website! The livestream will be hosted and aired through keikalla.fi, and upon purchasing the ticket you’ll be getting a link to set up your account to watch the stream - we urge you to do this in good time before the stream. But did you know it comes with other nifty features as well? CHAT ROOM First and foremost, there’ll be an open chatroom for everyone to engage in! Take the opportunity while watching the stream to interact with other fans from all over the world, as if we were all there together for the night. Q&A with the band During the stream, there’ll be a Q&A with the band - and the question will be selected from the chatroom feature. So get your questions in and they’ll be handed over to the host of the night when the time is right. Get your tickets for the Stream here: https://www.lippu.fi/en/artist/lordi/lordi-scream-stream-scarctic-circle-gathering-2742905 PAYPAL option: https://www.keikalla.fi/lordi-order?lang=en Please note - this is a LIVE STREAM. There’ll be no audience present at this event. Buying a ticket grants you access to the stream that can be viewed up to 7 days after the stream has aired. Ticket can also be bought after the stream to access the show. Stay tuned for our next update on the #ScreamStream series! #lordi #killectour #screamstream #scarcticcirclegathering #pahakurkirockclub #metal #music #livestream #fuckthecorona #monsters #horror #monstars #hardrock #finland #rovaniemi

Henkilön Lordi (@lordiofficial) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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