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Koronavirus siirtää Flow Festivalin ensi vuoteen

14.05.2020 klo 13.55 | Luettu: 1557 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Elokuun puolivälissä juhlittavaksi suunniteltu Flow Festival siirtyy ensi vuoteen.

Syynä on koronaviruspandemia.

Flow Festival juhlitaan seuraavan kerran 13.8.-15.8.2021.

Liput kannattaa säästää ensi vuoden festivaaliin.

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

Flow Festival will not take place in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. The safety of all festival visitors, artists, staff, event workers and suppliers is our priority – and must be guaranteed in all circumstances. We have been monitoring the Covid-19 situation and experts’ predictions very closely hoping that the situation would normalise. Unfortunately, it has become clear that producing large events like Flow Festival, taking place just in a few months, is not safe. Flow Festival has been organised in Helsinki since 2004, and for many, it has become a highlight of the summer as well an important chance to gather up with friends. Even in times as strange as these, the sense of community and meaningful culture do not lose their importance, and we do look forward to seeing music, food and art lovers at Flow Festival again next year. We will now focus our efforts on planning for the next year’s edition and hope to be able to share exciting line-up news with you as soon as possible. Flow Festival will be held again on August 13–15, 2021 in Helsinki. Purchased tickets for Flow Festival 2020 will be automatically valid for the 2021 edition. We hope that as many people as possible will support the festival in this exceptional situation and save their tickets for the next year. You'll have the opportunity to update your one-day or two-day ticket from one festival day to another later when the daily program for 2021 is announced. However, ticket holders will have a choice of a refund too. Ticket sellers will email more detailed instructions to ticket buyers in a few days, and information will be updated on the Flow Festival website in the coming days as well. We are extremely grateful to all our friends over the years. In addition to the festival organisation and audience, the cancellation will affect several subcontractors, partners, communities as well as artists, all of whom are committed to the festival. The situation causes concern for everyone, but we look to the future with hope. Be well and take care of yourself and your loved ones, and let us meet again in 2021! Lue teksti suomeksi osoitteessa flowfestival.com. Linkki biossa. Photo: © Jussi Hellsten

Henkilön Flow Festival Helsinki (@flowfestivalhelsinki) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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