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Sabatonin oma festivaali pitää välivuoden

04.05.2020 klo 16.05 | Luettu: 1201 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Ruotsalaisen metalliyhtyeen Sabatonin oma festivaali Sabaton Open Air joutuu jättämään kuluvan vuoden festivaalin väliin.

Ensimmäinen Sabaton Open Air järjestetiin vuonna 2008. Koronaviruspandemia kaikkine häiriötekijöineen estää tapahtuman järjestämisen mutta ensi vuonna jatkuu ja pääosin jo tälle vuodelle sovitulla artistilistauksella.

Sabaton Open Air seuraavan kerran 4.8.-7.8.2021.

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

After closely following the development around Covid-19 during the spring and analyzing the current situation in both Sweden and other countries, it is now time to take the very hard decision to postpone this year's festival. This would have been our 13th festival since the start in 2008. The last few weeks have brought unfortunate and bad news for us since both our medical team has been forced to decline their participation, as well as a lack of hotel accommodations for the artists and visitors, due to the hotel we are cooperating with closing indefinitely. Additionally, a lot of the booked bands simply can’t make it over here to play due to the current global situation. The next Sabaton Open Air will take place on the 4-7th of August 2021. We can already confirm that a lot of this year's bands are coming with us for next year, and further discussions are ongoing with the remaining bands. Your original ticket is valid for the 2021 festival, or you can choose to get a refund. ????You can choose to keep your ticket and it will be valid for the 2021 festival, regardless of any potential price increases. If you choose this alternative you don’t need to do anything. Or: ????You can choose to get your money back for your purchased ticket. This is of course more than ok in every way! If you choose this alternative, please contact kundservice@eventim.se. Please note that the possibility of a refund is only valid until the 29th of May 2020, and the booking fee will not be returned. We are terribly sorry for all the suffering and problems that this virus outbreak has caused everyone, especially for those of you who have planned your vacation and invested in both travel and accommodation for this year's festival in Falun. We are now looking forward to next year's festival and tickets are already available at sabatonopenair.net and eventim.se.

Henkilön Sabaton Official (@sabatonofficial) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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