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Iron Maidenin fanit huomio - nyt on tarjolla rock-uskottava fanituote

30.04.2020 klo 10.59 | Luettu: 1391 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Iron Maidenin fanit huomio: bändin Eddie-maskotti ratsastamassa lohikäärmeellä - nyt on rock!

XM Studios on työstänyt Maidenin "The Book Of Souls" -kiertueen innoittamana rock-uskottavan fanituotteen. Eddie-maskotti ratsastaa kiinalaisella lohikäärmeellä.

Tarjolla on 666 kappaletta numeroituja patsaita.

Katso lisää täältä.

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?XM Studios - Iron Maiden? XM Studios is excited to present our first collaborative project with Divine. As one of the most influential bands that helped to shape the 80s Heavy Metal music scene and with a career spanning four decades and over 100 million records sold, Iron Maiden needs no introduction. We are proud to present this unique 1:4 scale statue which is inspired by The Book of Souls World Tour 2016 artwork created for their Beijing and Shanghai leg. As most of XM’s licenses and products reside in the entertainment and pop culture realm, we are excited to also have the chance to delve into the area of iconic music properties. Immortalized in amazingly detailed Cold Cast Porcelain, Iron Maiden fans we hope you love this piece, even for collectors who are not familiar with Iron Maiden, there is no doubt that this artwork will look badass in your collection. Eddie X The Chinese Dragon: 2016 The Book Of Souls World Tour Premium Collectibles statue features: A dynamic statue featuring Eddie the head on a fierce dragon Crafted in cold cast porcelain. Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the highest possible quality finish ES: Made-to-order capped at 666 #resin #resine #resines #resinelovers #xmstudio #xmstudios #Ironmaiden #statue #resinstatues

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V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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