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Iron Maidenin Japanin toukokuun keikat seis - miten käy Rockfestin?

06.04.2020 klo 21.48 | Luettu: 1893 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Iron Maiden on virallisesti ilmoittanut peruuntuvista Japanin keikoista.

Maidenin oli tarkoitus soittaa Japanissa 19.5, 20.5. sekä 22.5.

Japanilainen promoottori on kuitenkin laittanut kaikki keikat jäihin toukokuun loppuun asti.

Iron Maidenin someviestistä ei käy selville, onko bändin keikat peruttu kokonaan vai onko tarkoitus siirtää keikat myöhempään ajankohtaan.

Iron Maiden esiintyy tämänhetkisten tietojen mukaan Rockfest-tapahtumassa Tampereella kesäkuun ensimmäisenä viikonloppuna.

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

We have been informed by our Japanese Promoter, Creativeman Productions that they are cancelling all their International Artists’ shows in Japan up to May 31. The Iron Maiden shows will therefore not be taking place in Tokyo on May 19 & 20, and in Osaka on May 22. Please see the full statement from the Promoter below. We send our best wishes to the people of Japan and to all our fans there. Announcement about all international Artists’ shows scheduled up until May 31st 2020. Amid COVID-19 outbreak, all international artists’ shows scheduled up until May 31st 2020 will be either cancelled or postponed. Some of the tours during April through May period that have not been officially announced the status yet, will still not happen during the said period. And for those without status, we will soon be able to announce whether it it’s cancelled or postponed. We are in discussion right now, and we apologize for the inconvenience caused. ** in any case, please hold on to your tickets, as you will need them for refund. Our thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families. Please be safe and stay alert. Creativeman Productions

Henkilön Iron Maiden (@ironmaiden) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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