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Melkein 180-kiloinen voimamies esteradalla - mitä siitä syntyy?

17.02.2020 klo 10.50 | Luettu: 2167 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Lähes 180 kiloa painava voimamies esteradalla - mitä siitä syntyy?

Maailman vahvin Eddie Hall ryhtyy moiseen hupailuun leikkimielellä - lisäksi jätti keinuu maan ja taivaan välillä kuin Miley Cyrus Wrecking ball -biisin videolla!

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

Strongman OBSTACLE RACE ???? What happens when you take a 180kg human over a 10km obstacle course? In my NEW video (see link in bio) we found out thanks to the pure HEROICS of @eddiehallwsm ????????Was A LOT of fun to film and SO grateful to the big man for making the trip to @manleymere BUT what's MOST impressive when watching this is bear in mind studies show whether you’re running, walking or crawling as soon as you add weight you burn more calories, according to scientists from the Chaim Sheba Medical Center who found the additional weight leads to a, “Significant increase in energy (calorie) cost over time.” What’s more it’s not just energy (bioenergetics) but research published by the European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology examined the influence carrying 10kg, 20kg and 30kg of weight had on the cardiorespiratory system (heart and lungs). After measuring oxygen uptake, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation they found, “Each kilogram of extra weight increases oxygen uptake with 33.5 ml/min, heart rate with 1.1 beats/min and pulmonary ventilation with 0.6 l/min.” THAT’S ONE EXTRA KILOGRAM... therefore what Eddie did at 180kg is nothing short of SUPER HUMAN! Tag friends and comment below and give us ideas for the next video ???? Wearing @vivobarefoot SwimRun trainers for additional grip ????????

Henkilön Ross Edgley (@rossedgley) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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Rekisteröitynyt 18.01.2015

18.02.2020 klo 06.30

Vähän kuin sami hedberg.

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