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The Mars Volta ja Marilyn Manson -basisti makaa koomassa sairaalassa

25.01.2020 klo 21.46 | Luettu: 1466 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Marilyn Manson ja The Mars Volta -yhteyksistä tunnettu basisti Juan Alderete (56) on saanut vaarallisen päävamman pyöräilyonnettomuuden johdosta. Rokkari makaa sairaalassa koomassa.

Aldereten vaimon mukaan onenttomuuteen ei liittynyt muita osapuolia.

Viime vuosina Alderete on toiminut Marilyn Mansonin kiertuebasistina.

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

Hi everyone - this is Anne, Juan's wife. While I generally hesitate to share personal details on social media, it felt right to include all of you who've supported Juan over the years as friends, fans, fellow music (and food, cat, bike, Japan) lovers and musicians. Juan was in a solo (no cars, other people) and very serious bicycle accident on 1/13/20 not far from our home. He - as always - was wearing a helmet and protective clothing but sustained serious head trauma in the form of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI); his form of TBI is Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) and as of today, he remains in a coma. The only prognosis is to wait and see, as the brain is a complicated organ and the outcomes for DAI patients has a range as wide as the sea. While frustrating, it also allows for a world of positive outcomes so we can only hope for the best. We know you have questions, concerns, thoughts to share, so please feel free to leave them in the comments (not DM please, sorry) here. We're also very eager to hear from neurologists, medical professionals with experience in DAI and TBI, first-person accounts of similar trauma and outcomes - essentially any useful, factual and accurate resources that relate to Juan's injury. If you have any of these, please DM me (Anne) @tunatoast. We will post updates here from time to time. Thank you all and please keep Juan in your thoughts. - xo, Anne

Henkilön Juan Alderete (@j_alderete) jakama julkaisu

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