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Slayer: The Repentless Killogy - traileri verkossa

09.10.2019 klo 22.50 | Luettu: 1484 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Slayer: The Repentless Killogy saapuu teattereihin 6.11.

The Repentless Killogy koostuu BJ McDonnellin ohjaamasta ja käsikirjoittamasta lyhytfilmistä, jatkona täysimittainen Slayer-keikka (kuvattu Los Angeles Forumissa 5.8.2017).

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

Slayer along with Trafalgar Releasing, #NuclearBlast Records and Prime Zero Productions, are pleased to announce the upcoming release of the new short narrative film and concert, Slayer: The Repentless Killogy, coming to theaters worldwide for a one-night event on November 6. Due to be screened in over 1500 theaters around the world. ? Tickets on sale starting October 9 at www.slayer.film. Link in bio + stories. ? Revenge, murder, bloodshed and retribution. The Repentless Killogy film was written and directed by @BJMcDonnell, who conceived and directed the three brutal music videos - "You Against You," "Repentless," and "Pride in Prejudice"- for Slayer's final studio album Repentless (2015). ? "When we set out to do these initial three videos," said McDonnell, "our intention was to continue the saga of Slayer and Wyatt at some point down the line. But this is the band's final album and world tour so this story, the three videos and the "Repentless" live concert at The Forum, is a perfect way to wrap up. This is the end of the monsters." ? Uncompromising and unmissable, part one of "Slayer: The Repentless Killogy" begins with the powerful short narrative film that brings together the music of #Slayer and the grisly story they wanted to tell. Opening with the trilogy of music videos assembled as one chronological storyline, we are introduced to the narrative's main character Wyatt, a former Neo Nazi associated with a gang known as "The Hand Brotherhood," whose signature mark was a bloody handprint left after a murder had taken place. ? “The Repentless Killogy” stars many of the actors who appeared in the original video series: @jasonwtrost as Wyatt, @officialdannytrejo, @dicksp8jr, @derekmears, @thecrusher007, @therealtylermane, @choptopmoseley, @willicaroline and @thatguysmw. ? Part two of “The #Repentless Killogy” features Slayer’s entire live set performed at the Los Angeles Forum on August 5, 2017, and was directed by Wayne Isham. ? Following the global theatrical premiere, on November 8 the film will be available digitally and on Blu-ray, and the soundtrack from that concert will be released as both a two-disc vinyl and two CD packages. ? #SlayerKillogy

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V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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