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Metallican kesäinen Euroopan kierros valmis - jälleen 70 000 hengen jättiyleisö

25.08.2019 klo 21.08 | Luettu: 1526 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Metallican kesäinen Euroopan kierros päättyy tänään sunnuntaina Mannheimin keikkaan.

Metallica on kerännyt isot areenat tukkoon - perjantaina Münchnenissä porukka oli 70 000 henkeä.

Metallican kesäkiertue on ollut kaikilla mittareilla menestys ja Lars Ulrich hehkuttaa jälleen tuttuun tapaan somessa:

"Munich...As the German flag shines on my cymbal and the last echos of craziness ring out in my ears the day after, there are two words that come to mind.. Holy Fuck!! Yep, that was a Rock ‘n’ Roll Celebration at another level!! Playing your historic stadium was an incredible buzz, and the vibes and energy that were thrown back at us were pretty fuckin epic! Thanx for rolling out to each and every 70,000 of you who came to join the shenanigans on a beautiful late summer Friday night. What a way to kick off the last weekend of our four month long swing through Europe. Munich, you’re the fucking coolest".

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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