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Stallone: Escape Plan 2 on kakkaa, mutta kolmosessa hakkaan kaverin ilman suunnitelmaa!

02.07.2019 klo 13.25 | Luettu: 1861 kertaa | Teksti: Jari Tapani Peltonen

Escape Plan -leffoilla ei ole paljoa menetettävää, joten kaikki huomio lienee positiivista. Sylvester Stallonen Instagram-viestin mukaan Escape Plan 2: Hades on kammottavin tuotanto, johon hän on osallistunut, mutta kolmas osa Escape Plan: The Extractors tehtiin epätavallisen lyhyessä ajassa. Tiimi oli todella kovilla!

Oliko tuo kehu? Ilmeisesti. Stallone on tiimin ponnisteluista ylpeä. Kun viimeistä tappelua kuvattiin, Stallone käski unohtaa suunnitellun koreografian. Nyt tapellaan oikeasti. Ei leikkauksia. Vastanäyttelijä ei tiedä, milloin isku on tulossa. Tempaus sattui, mutta Stallone uskoo realismin olevan vaivan arvoista. (Yleensä iskevä koreografia on ylpeyden aihe, mutta kukin tyylillään.)

Videolla nähdään katkelma tappelusta.

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

Here I am with my lifetime friend , and Director , JOHN HERZFELD , Who directed the upcoming film Escape Plan 3 - The Extractors ! Escape Plan 2 WAS TRULY THE MOST HORRIBLY PRODUCED FILM I have ever had the misfortune to be in , but this new film was made in an extraordinarily short amount of time , 17 nights , dusk till dawn , no breaks , we ate while we worked!!!! The Crew were under unbelievable pressure. . Proud of them! But I wanted this battle be as realistic as possible. I showed up on the site for the big final fight scene that takes place in a very very old cell that is 9‘ x 7 ... they had spent all this time choreographing this Martial arts type of combat. I said forget it. Why don’t we go in there and just let it rip. Like a real fight!!!! . Nobody does this anymore ... NO CUTS! ONE LONG TAKE - No choreography, so you don’t know what’s coming until it hits you. I asked the other actor who has a lot of guts,Devon Sawa , If he was game? I said it’s gonna hurt and he replayed “ bring it “ . So what you see us a portion of the brawl that is completely non - choreographed , spontaneous , again, with no cuts , And no idea , and what punches were coming! The other actor Devon , plays the killer who has accused me of murdering his father which is not true ! Without a doubt the only fight I’ve ever done in my entire career without choreography or without knowing what’s coming !! No one does this anymore - gotta a little adventurous !!! And nuts ... This was tough but worth it! And what I believe makes the audience APPRECIATE the effort and authenticity .... Arriving July 2…. AND It is available on pay-per-view ! KEEP PUNCHING ! #Escape plan 3 THE EXTRACTORS #GrindStone #LionsgateFilms

Henkilön Sly Stallone (@officialslystallone) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | Jari Tapani Peltonen
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