Tennistähti avasi unelmiensa kodin ovet lehden kuvauksia varten
Tennistähti Maria Sharapova avasi kotinsa ovet Architectural Digestin kuvaajalle ja toimittajalle.
Los Angelesissa sijaitseva upea itselle suunniteltu koti on Marialle suuri intohimon kohde:
"I was obsessed with the process of making this home. I’d jump off a plane from a tournament and go straight to the work site or the architect’s office or a kitchen manufacturer. This was my project and I wasn’t going to delegate any part of it".
Los Angelesissa sijaitseva upea itselle suunniteltu koti on Marialle suuri intohimon kohde:
"I was obsessed with the process of making this home. I’d jump off a plane from a tournament and go straight to the work site or the architect’s office or a kitchen manufacturer. This was my project and I wasn’t going to delegate any part of it".
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