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Lähes sata keikkaa puolessa vuodessa - Jess Glynnen ääni uupui, Ilosaarirockin keikka peruttu

27.06.2019 klo 21.39 | Luettu: 1968 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Jess Glynne joutuu perumaan tulevat keikkansa. Harmittavasti peruttuen keikkojen listalle joutuu Joensuun Ilosaarirock. Glynnen oli tarkoitus esiintyä Joensuussa perjantana 12.7.

Glynnen lääkäri on määrännyt laulajan laulu- ja puhekieltoon äänihuulten rasituksen takia 10 päivän ajaksi.

Glynne on uuvuttanut itsensä ja äänensä ankaralla keikkailulla - viimeisen puolen vuoden aikana lähes sata keikkaa.

Glynne selventää asiaa pitkässä Instagram-kirjoituksessaan:

"Two days ago I came to Boston to see my surgeon who told me my vocal chord has haemorrhaged and that if I wanted to remain as a performer I needed to urgently take a break, rest my voice completely for the next 10 days and try and remain in total silence to give my vocal chords a chance to recover. Basically he told me I have been completely overdoing everything. In the last six months I’ve performed almost 100 shows, I’ve pushed through at times when I know I’ve been tired and overstretched and I got to breaking point, my voice literally got to breaking point. The thing is I am my voice. If my voice goes, I go. I am so privileged to do what I do, I am so privileged to have fans out there who come and see me. But I never want to be less than 100 percent. I never want to give you less than 100 percent. I am so devastated to be letting anyone down but I want you to know the full truth of my situation so you understand why I have to do this"

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

It absolutely kills me to say this – especially given what has happened in the past few weeks – but on the advice of my vocal surgeon, I am going to have to cancel my next shows through until July 14th and I hope to be back as soon as possible after that. I know many of my fans feel I let them down so badly when I pulled out of the Isle of Wight festival but the reason I knew I just wasn’t going to be able to make that performance has now been made clear to be by my doctor, Dr Zeitels. It is true that I went out and celebrated the end of the Spice World tour. That was a massive high for me and I wanted to mark it with the women who’d become friends and mentors to me but I had also been suffering on and off for weeks with anxiety about my voice. It wasn’t right. I wasn’t sounding my best and I felt there was something wrong. Two days ago I came to Boston to see my surgeon who told me my vocal chord has haemorrhaged and that if I wanted to remain as a performer I needed to urgently take a break, rest my voice completely for the next 10 days and try and remain in total silence to give my vocal chords a chance to recover. Basically he told me I have been completely overdoing everything. In the last six months I’ve performed almost 100 shows, I’ve pushed through at times when I know I’ve been tired and overstretched and I got to breaking point, my voice literally got to breaking point. The thing is I am my voice. If my voice goes, I go. I am so privileged to do what I do, I am so privileged to have fans out there who come and see me. But I never want to be less than 100 percent. I never want to give you less than 100 percent. I am so devastated to be letting anyone down but I want you to know the full truth of my situation so you understand why I have to do this. All I know is I have to go away, look after my voice and come back stronger, better and be the performer my fans truly deserve ????

Henkilön Jess Glynne (@jessglynne) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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Rekisteröitynyt 18.01.2015

28.06.2019 klo 07.03

En tuota vierasperäistä tekstiä lukenut, mutta onkohan kyseessä väärä laulutekniikka kun noin on tullut vikaa. No, täysin tuntematon hahmo, jos pitäisi arvata niin nainen.

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