Somekuvassa Metallican Lars Ulrichin kaikkien aikojen riisutuin rumpupatteristo - mutta millä keikalla?
Metallican Lars Ulrich on jatkanut somessa tapahtuvaa vanhojen muistelua.
Tuorein postaus nostaa esille 19 vuotta sitten soitetun keikan - ensimmäistä ja viimeistä kertaa MTV Movie Awards -tapahtumassa ja samalla kuvista voi ihmetellä Larsin kaikkien aikojen riisutuinta rumpupatteristoa.
"Nineteen years ago today, June 3rd 2000, we played the MTV Movie Awards in LA for the first and only time..
This was the first airing of “I Disappear”, which explains the smallest drum kit setup I’ve ever had as you can see from the event itself and sound check..And of course, please note the streak we’re on, with “no shirt” live appearances. Those were the fuckin day".
Tuorein postaus nostaa esille 19 vuotta sitten soitetun keikan - ensimmäistä ja viimeistä kertaa MTV Movie Awards -tapahtumassa ja samalla kuvista voi ihmetellä Larsin kaikkien aikojen riisutuinta rumpupatteristoa.
"Nineteen years ago today, June 3rd 2000, we played the MTV Movie Awards in LA for the first and only time..
This was the first airing of “I Disappear”, which explains the smallest drum kit setup I’ve ever had as you can see from the event itself and sound check..And of course, please note the streak we’re on, with “no shirt” live appearances. Those were the fuckin day".
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