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Jennifer Lopez muistelee somessa elämänsä mullistanutta tapahtumaa, tasan 20 vuotta sitten

02.06.2019 klo 19.27 | Luettu: 1628 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Jennifer Lopez täyttää heinäkuussa 50 vuotta.

20 vuotta sitten Jennifer julkaisi ensimmäisen albuminsa On the 6. Levyä on myyty maailmanlaajuisesti yli 8 miljoonaa kappaletta.

Debyyttialbuminsa kunniaksi Jennifer on lisännyt someen mietteitä nuoresta Jenniferistä 20 vuotta sitten - helppo todeta jälkikäteen mutta kuten Jenniferin kirjoituksesta selviää, kaikki on mennyt kuitenkin aivan putkeen:

"Hard to believe it’s been 20 years since I released On the 6!!! The girl in this video never had a doubt that this was the place she was supposed to be...so confident and sure and maybe a lil oblivious and even ignorant lol... to all that was ahead... I try to hold on to her everyday... through all the ups and downs... I’m glad I have been able to always hold on to the dreamer... the lil girl inside with the endless possibilities... I still believe ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! Happy 20th anniversary!!! Couldn’t have gotten to where I am today without all of your love and support all these years".

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

Hard to believe it’s been 20 years since I released On the 6!!! The girl in this video never had a doubt that this was the place she was supposed to be...so confident and sure and maybe a lil oblivious and even ignorant lol... to all that was ahead... I try to hold on to her everyday... through all the ups and downs... I’m glad I have been able to always hold on to the dreamer?... the lil girl inside with the endless possibilities... I still believe ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! Happy 20th anniversary!!! Couldn’t have gotten to where I am today without all of your love and support all these years!! I LOVE YOU ALL. ?? See you on tour!! Lots go celebrate! ???? #JLOItsMyParty #Onthe6 #WaitingForTonight #IfYouHadMyLove #NoMeAmes #FeelingSoGood

Henkilön Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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