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Metallican Lars Ulrich muistelee somessa 35 vuotta vanhoja asioita - tätä et välttämättä tiennyt!

28.03.2019 klo 21.54 | Luettu: 1870 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Metallican Lars Ulrich on vuosien myötä innostunut muistelemaan somessa menneitä.

Tällä kertaa Ulrich palaa 35 vuoden takaisiin asioihin - Los Angelesin maineikkaalle Whisky a Go Go -klubille ja Lontoon Marquee-klubille.

35 vuotta sitten Metallica soitti ensimmäisen keikkansa maineikkaalla Whisky a Go Go -klubilla. Bändi lämppäsi brittibändi Saxonia, joka oli myös Larsin silloisia suosikkiyhtyeitä.

Metallica soitti setissään myös brittiläistä Diamond Headia - sattumalta Saxonin kiertuemiehistöön kuului Diamond Headin kanssa työskennellyt teknikko. Paul Owen -niminen hahmo päätyi lopulta Metallican kiertuemiehistöön 22 vuoden ja yli 1300 keikan ajaksi!

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

Well, fuck it… Today you get two: On March 27th in ’82, we played our 2nd & 3rd shows at the legendary Whisky a Go Go in LA, supporting Saxon. For us at the time, this was like winning the lottery. Not only was this our first Hollywood gig, but in the early 80s, Saxon were one of the biggest, most exciting & influential hard rock bands in the UK & Europe. I had actually seen them six months earlier on their Denim & Leather tour in Brighton, where I even managed to sneak backstage. Haha… Back then, our set consisted mostly of cover songs & most of those were DiamondHead songs. Funny story… after the 1st set, this guy on Saxon’s crew comes into our dressing room & asks us, in a very matter-of-fact tone, whether we had ever heard of a band from England called DiamondHead. I snapped back at him, “Of course we have, we just played a bunch of their songs!!” It turned out that apart from being Saxon’s monitor engineer, he was also DiamondHead’s monitor engineer. His name was Paul Owen & he eventually became Metallica’s monitor engineer, playing more than 1,300 shows over 22 years with us. Take that with ya. All in all, an incredible night for ‘Tallica & a mind fuck for us to see our logo occupying the same space on a flyer as the mighty Saxon & the celebrated Whisky a Go Go. Two years later, on the same date in ’84, we played London’s Marquee Club for the very first time, marking our 1st gig in the UK. Everything that lead to Metallica’s existence up to this point was greatly inspired by the New Wave of British Heavy Metal bands, along with the sounds, lifestyles & culture that came out of England & the UK at the time. So many of the bands who had recently inspired us, like Iron Maiden, Tygers of Pan Tang, Angel Witch & Samson had been performing there over recent years, and on top of that, the Rolling Stones, The Who, the Jimi Hendrix Experience, etc. also had significant history at the club. To finally hit that same stage at the iconic Marquee Club, right in the heart of London, was another total mind fuck for us. The incredible relationship we’ve enjoyed for over 35 years with England & the UK started that very night. Cheers!... as they say. #wanna

Henkilön Lars Ulrich (@larsulrich) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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