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Katso somesta Saara Aallon 'luistelu-uran' upein hetki

04.03.2019 klo 22.20 | Luettu: 1930 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Saara Aalto on selvinnyt parinsa Hamish Gamanin kanssa Britannain Dancing On Ice -kisan finaaliin.

Saara hehkutta lyhyen luistelu-uransa parasta hetkeä somessa;

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

We made it to the FINALS????The best moment of my 5-month skating career?? Skating to the song I chose myself, Defying Gravity by @idinamenzel from @wicked_musical ?? The song that changed my life 10 years ago, gave me so much strength to be who I am. And now @hamishgaman created this beautiful dance to it and we got our best scores 38/40 from the judges!!?????? In this moment I wasn’t even thinking about skating, I was just enjoying my life ?????????? 3 times in a skate-off (just like on @thexfactor) is not stopping me, I’m actually lucky to have had a chance to skate with Hamish all those extra times ?????? SO HAPPYYYY!!! Thank you for your support and votes!! ?????? Love you all?? @dancingonice #dancingonice #saaraaalto #idinamenzel #wicked #wickedthemusical #defyinggravity

Henkilön Saara Aalto (@saaraaalto) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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