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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson antaa kinkulle, siis tässä tapauksessa kalkkunalle kyytiä

23.11.2018 klo 23.24 | Luettu: 2069 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson esittelee somessa Kiitospäivän aktiviteettejaan.

Vaikka somessa on kuva myös isosta ruokaisasta linnusta, Johnsonin Kiitospäivän toimintoihin kuului myös ankara treeni.

Tehkää perässä, pojat;

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

Word to the bird ???? and a weird thing I have to always keep close. This Thanksgiving was a unique one, in that it was the first time I’ve ever not been back home in the U.S. of A. But here in London, we still cooked and laid out a big, sweet spread to give our thanks and boundless gratitude for our loved ones. The weird thing - is every Thanksgiving I gotta take a moment to remember exactly 27 years ago on Thanksgiving while living in Tampa, Fl we were so piss broke, that we couldn’t even afford to buy a turkey, so we were praying someone would invite us over for Thanksgiving. Well, the universe answered our prayers, because friends of ours called to say Happy Thanksgiving and we were like, “HAPPY THANKSGIVING WE’LL BE RIGHT OVER TO CELEBRATE WITH YOU GUYS K BYE!!” They were like, “Uhhh okaaaay great, see you soon?” A Very true and fucking embarrassing story ??????????????? I’m weird this way, but remembering shit like this helps me live a better and more grateful life. I’m quite sure I need therapy for this, but until then tequila will be my loving & empathetic therapist. #WordToTheBird #GratefulMan #AintPissBrokeNoMo #Cheers ????????

Henkilön therock (@therock) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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