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Sylvester Stallone julkaisi somessa kuvan vuosien takaa, eli suoranaisessa köyhyydessä (katso ankea foto)

11.11.2018 klo 01.42 | Luettu: 5370 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Sylvester Stallone on innostunut muistelemaan aikaansa ennen Rockyn tuomaa menestystä. Mies eli suoranaisessa köyhyydessä.

Tuoreessa Instagram-postauksessa on kuvattuna halvan motellin huone, joka oli Stallonen asuinpaikkana noin kolmen vuoden ajan.

Stallone kertoo kaiken kuvassa nähtävän tavaran olleen roskislöytöjä - miehellä ei ollut rahaa.

"When I came to New York,a city of millions of people, I didn’t know one person. I stayed pretty much to myself and focused on what I wanted to achieve. I’m not stating this to feel sorry for myself , I am presenting it to you as an example of how you should never give up because you NEVER know what’s waiting around the corner in the journey of life".

Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.

Since I was walking down memory lane, this may be an incentive for some people. This was my entire world for at least three years ,an old infested 6’ x 6’ room in a flophouse hotel… I couldn’t afford to buy anything so everything in that room Was found on the street. An old hotplate, a little old oven, a lamp found in a trash can , A couple of old fake paintings,even the bed was from a dumpster. I am incredibly grateful for what I have today but this is how I started out. When I came to New York,a city of millions of people, I didn’t know one person. I stayed pretty much to myself and focused on what I wanted to achieve. I’m not stating this to feel sorry for myself , I am presenting it to you as an example of how you should never give up because you NEVER know what’s waiting around the corner in the journey of life!

Henkilön Sly Stallone (@officialslystallone) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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Rekisteröitynyt 18.01.2015

11.11.2018 klo 19.40

Näyttää hyvinkin kotoisalta paikalta, kukapa tuolla ei haluaisi asua.

11.11.2018 klo 22.40

on saanut syopadiagnoosin tms on ainoa syy miks tekis tammosia

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