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Gillian Andersonilla on uutisia - ja hänellä on ne yllään!

30.08.2018 klo 22.12 | Luettu: 2518 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Salaiset kansiot -tähti Gillian Anderson esittelee somessa Winser Londonin nimikkomallistoaan.

"I’m so thrilled to finally be able to share my new @winserlondon capsule collection"

The English Tailored Jacket and Cigarette Trousers with Silk Blouse. I’m going to start by telling you about the silk shirt which I’m really excited about because it’s so versatile. We found a really wonderful cotton silk that’s light as a cloud. The collar and the extra long cuffs can be worn four ways which makes it really easy to dress up or down. And I looove that it slides over the head. Then there’s the suit. It’s a super light pure wool menswear tuxedo fabric. Both the jacket and the cigarette pant accented with midnight satin. And yet, the hidden snaps and the forward pockets give it an elegant casual air. And the sexy slit on the ankle of the pants... well, need I say more? xG #GAWinserLondon @winserlondon

Henkilön Gillian Anderson (@gilliana) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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