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Saa kadehtia, Jackass-tähden kaunis kihlattu täytti 31 vuotta

19.05.2018 klo 19.31 | Luettu: 2432 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Jackass-tähti Steve-O (43) hehkuttaa somessa kihlattunsa 31-vuotispäivää.

Rämäpää on selvästi rakastunut;

"As long as we’ve been together, there has never been one time when I doubted that I want to be with this woman. We’ve gotten through every little bump in the road without ever even raising our voices towards one another... I’m so grateful for what we have, and for who you’ve helped me to become".

Thirty One Today????????

Henkilön LUX WRIGHT (@luxalot) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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