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Gillian Anderson selittelee nakuiluaan somessa, 'If I were clothed, would you be reading this?'

10.03.2018 klo 21.40 | Luettu: 4109 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Salaiset kansiot -tähti Gillian Anderson (49) nähtiin taannoin nakuna PETA:n turkistenvastaisessa kampanjassa.

Ilmeisesti näyttelijä on saanut tempauksesta runsaasti kommenttia, koska Gillian on katsonut tarpeelliseksi selitellä tekemisiään someviestin välityksellä.

Näyttelijä vie ajatusta pois nakukuvan seksikyydestä. Kautta historian naiset ovat käyttäneet alastonta vartaloaan myös alleviivaamaan tarkeäksi kokemaansa viestiä.

Näyttelijän työtä tekevälle itsensä paljastaminen on rohkea teko. Mutta, samalla tärkeäksi pidetylle asialle saadaan lisää painoarvoa ja huomiota.

"But I am in favor of doing whatever the fuck we want with our bodies to make a statement that is important to us. This is my body. If I were clothed, would you be reading this?"

This is me. Naked. See that scar? Three children came out of there. And that “P”? That’s for Piper, my eldest—a tattoo to cover another scar from an ectopic pregnancy. That’s part of the story written on my body. Had the lens been wider, you’d have seen a scar from the time I kneeled on a shard of glass during a production of A Streetcar Named Desire in London. And if I’d turned sideways, you’d have been able to see lots and lots of cellulite and a mole in the shape of a continent. This is my body. It’s mine to do with as I please. And today, I’m using it to stand up for animals and their right to exist as they please—with their skin still attached, naturally. My nakedness also makes a bigger statement. As an actor who is usually unusually modest, suddenly I find myself concerned that modern feminism has too many people confusing sexy with sexist. It’s easy to forget that, in the annals of activism, there is a history of women protesting naked, which has had little to do with being directly sexy and is ultimately about freedom of expression. Remember Lady Godiva, who rode nude to protest for peasants? And more recently, Cambridge economist Victoria Bateman appeared topless with “Brexit Leaves Britain Naked” written across her torso. I’m not that brave. But I am in favor of doing whatever the fuck we want with our bodies to make a statement that is important to us. This is my body. If I were clothed, would you be reading this?

Henkilön Gillian Anderson (@gilliana) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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