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Love Magazinen jouluinen kalenteri hämmentää ja provosoi - ruokapornoa? (ei mielensäpahoittajille)

03.12.2017 klo 18.25 | Luettu: 2111 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Love Magazinen adventtikalenteri on jotain aivan muuta.

Nyt tuodaan esille vahvoja naisia, rohkeutta toteuttaa itseään ja seksuaalisuutta. Stay strong.

Emily Ratajkowski rakastaa pastaa - onko tämä sitten ruokapornoa?

HUOM: Ei sopivaa katsottavaa mielensäpahoittajille.

The wait is over!??????#LOVEADVENT2017 is OUT! Link in bio @thelovemagazine @kegrand @sallylyndley @philpoynter

Henkilön Emily Ratajkowski (@emrata) jakama julkaisu

The wait is almost over! Here’s a taste of what’s to come in this year’s #LOVEADVENT me!! featuring @theashleygraham @emrata @kendalljenner @slickwoods @sarasampaio @madisonbeer @doutzen @golden_barbie @gigihadid @realbarbarapalvin @winnieharlow @haileybaldwin @stellamaxwell @jourdandunn @bellahadid @kateupton @taylor_hill @teyanataylor @hoskelsa @camimorrone @romeestrijd @karliekloss @alexisren @sistinestallone @shaninamshaik @lovegrace_e and @hannahfergusonofficial ????????? #STAYSTRONG ???? Fashion Editor @sallylyndley Casting @bitton and @twodadstwokids Make-up @hungvanngo and @alice___lane Hair @cameronjon, @luke_chamberlain and @benskervin Music @nathangregorywilkins and @richardxbm With thanks to @agentprovocateur, @alainmikliparis, @burberry, @coach and @marcbeauty post production @millchannel @millbeautychannel production @serlinassociates director of photography @hashtaghankoff

Henkilön philpoynter (@philpoynter) jakama julkaisu

#loveadvent2017 officially starts today #staystrong by @philpoynter @sallylyndley @hungvanngo with music by @nathangregorywilkins and @richardxbm ???????????? DAY 1 see’s @theashleygraham @emrata @kendalljenner @slickwoods @sarasampaio @madisonbeer @doutzen @golden_barbie @gigihadid @realbarbarapalvin @winnieharlow @haileybaldwin @stellamaxwell @jourdandunn @bellahadid @kateupton @taylor_hill @teyanataylor @hoskelsa @camimorrone @romeestrijd @karliekloss @alexisren @sistinestallone @shaninamshaik @lovegrace_e and @hannahfergusonofficial being very sexy and very strong at the @dogpound ???? #STAYSTRONG Director @philpoynter Fashion Editor @sallylyndley Casting @bitton and @twodadstwokids Make-up @hungvanngo and @alice___lane Hair @cameronjon, @luke_chamberlain and @benskervin Music @nathangregorywilkins and @richardxbm director of Photography @hashtaghankoff Production by @serlinassociates post production and special thanks to @millchannel @millbeautychannel With thanks to @agentprovocateur, @alainmikliparis, @burberry, @coach and @marcbeauty

Henkilön philpoynter (@philpoynter) jakama julkaisu

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