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Queen-legenda hermostui perusteellisesti Instagram-tilinsä sulkemisesta, kevyet uhkailut 'syyllisen' suuntaan

13.11.2017 klo 22.16 | Luettu: 3192 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Queen-legenda Brian May on purkanut tuntojaan kiivassanaisessa Instagram-postauksessaan.

May hermostui erään kuvaajan tempauksesta, joka johti Mayn Instagram-tilin hetkelliseen sulkemiseen.

Rokkarin mukaan hän käytti itsestään otettua kuvaa somessa - mutta unohti mainita kuvaajan nimen. Kuvaaja oli ilmoittanut asiasta Instagramin suuntaan ja Mayn tili suljettiin. Äärettömän tylsää, on Mayn mielipide.

May uhkaakin postauksessaan kuvaajaa jatkotoimilla - jos kyseinen hahmo erehtyy keikalle ja May saa tietää asiasta, tyyppi saattaa lentää ulos ennen aikojaan;

"Well this is what I woke up to. How RUDE ! I'm usually very careful to credit anyone whose photos I post - but in this case, at the end of the day, I must have forgotten. So, rather than write to me and say "dear Brian- you seem to have forgotten to credit me on this picture", this person - Barbara Kremer is her name - reported me to Instagram and they not only took the picture down but disabled my whole account until I'd dealt with the issue - which took about 45 minutes of my time that I could not afford because the link refused to work on my phone. What an incredibly unfriendly act from you, Barbara ! You not only took my picture and are evidently exploiting my image, and making money off me without so much as a 'by your leave' - but you actually stop me using a picture of myself ! What a crazy world we live in these days. All I can say is that if you feel you were 'violated', I feel pretty violated myself. To the point where If I ever discover that you are at one of our concerts in future, look out, because, logically, I will be tempted to have you thrown out.
Well, Good Morning

Well this is what I woke up to. How RUDE ! I'm usually very careful to credit anyone whose photos I post - but in this case, at the end of the day, I must have forgotten. So, rather than write to me and say "dear Brian- you seem to have forgotten to credit me on this picture", this person - Barbara Kremer is her name - reported me to Instagram and they not only took the picture down but disabled my whole account until I'd dealt with the issue - which took about 45 minutes of my time that I could not afford because the link refused to work on my phone. What an incredibly unfriendly act from you, Barbara ! You not only took my picture and are evidently exploiting my image, and making money off me without so much as a 'by your leave' - but you actually stop me using a picture of myself ! What a crazy world we live in these days. All I can say is that if you feel you were 'violated', I feel pretty violated myself. To the point where If I ever discover that you are at one of our concerts in future, look out, because, logically, I will be tempted to have you thrown out. Well, Good Morning !!! Bri

Henkilön Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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Keskustelut (1 viestiä)


14.11.2017 klo 00.53 2 tykkää tästä

Mitäköhän herra toteaisi jos joku soittaisi radiossa hänen kappaleitaan ilman tekijänoikeusmaksuja.

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