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Jeremy Clarksonin porukan autoiluohjelman toisen kauden aloituspäivä vahvistettu

04.11.2017 klo 01.53 | Luettu: 2139 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Jeremy Clarksonin, Richard Hammondin ja James Mayn autoiluohjelma The Grand Tour jatkuu toisen tuontantokauden jaksoilla Amazon Primella. Tärkeä päivämäärä on 8.12.

"Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May return for a new season of the world’s greatest show about three middle-aged men rampaging around the world, driving amazing cars, and engaging in a constant argument about which of them is the biggest idiot. Although it’s also the only show that combines these things so the ‘greatest’ title is pretty much uncontested"

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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