Milla Jovovichilta voimakas naisten oikeuksia puolustava someviesti - 'be strong, be sexy'
Resident evil -tähti Milla Jovovich on julkaissut somessa vahvan kannanoton naisiin kohdistuvaa syrjintää ja ahdistelua vastaan.
" Be strong. Be sexy. Never let anyone tell you to curb your style or cover your body, because it's YOURS. It's called "personal space" because it's YOURS and everyone should back the f*ck up and stay out of it"
#mybodymyright #personalspace #strongsexyandproud
" Be strong. Be sexy. Never let anyone tell you to curb your style or cover your body, because it's YOURS. It's called "personal space" because it's YOURS and everyone should back the f*ck up and stay out of it"
#mybodymyright #personalspace #strongsexyandproud
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