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Floor Jansenin rokkarimies otti jo vapaata, perheenlisäystä odotettavissa lähipäivinä?

01.03.2017 klo 01.10 | Luettu: 2911 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Nightwishin Floor Jansenin raskaus on edennyt niin pitkälle, että synnytys on edessä lähipäivinä (?).

Jansenin elämänkumppani on jo ottanut vapaata "duunista" eli Sabatonin rumpalin tehtävistä. Iloista perhetapahtumaa odottaen.

"Time has come for me to travel homewards for a short while to be with and for my family, home in the north. My family on the road will have the miles pass underneath the busses and trucks as usual and the show will go on"

Daniel Sjögren tuuraa Sabatonin rumpukioskilla "synnyttämään" kiirehtivää Hannes Van Dahlia.

This is a message from my beloved man @thevandahl_official to all @sabatonofficial fans! I guess you know why he's coming home ? #exitingtimes #pregnant #hewillbebacksoon #andsowilli Hello Everyone! Time has come for me to travel homewards for a short while to be with and for my family, home in the north. My family on the road will have the miles pass underneath the busses and trucks as usual and the show will go on! So, I hereby introduce you to a dear friend of ours: Daniel Sjögren! He is the sweetest of dudes and an excellent drummer! He was kind enough to help us out and will sit on my drum throne for a few shows until I’m back with my road family, brothers and sisters all over the world again! I’m a bit jealous of all you guys who’s going to see him kill it every night:) Please give him your awesome warm “Sabaton Battalion” support, have fun and I’m looking forward to seeing you all very soon again! Yours truly, The Vandahl #sabaton #hannesvandahl #thelasttour #illbeback #sooner #than #you #think #rocknroll #greatdude

Henkilön Floor Jansen (@floor_jansen_official) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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