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Päivitys Cradle Of Filthin studiosessioista

06.02.2017 klo 15.30 | Luettu: 1790 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Metalliryhmä Cradle Of Filth päivittää tulevan albumin tilannetta.

Viime viikolla saatiin valmiiksi basso-osuuksien äänitykset.

"The bass tone takes no prisoners! We're really pushing it to the next level with this album, and I'm very happy with how it's sounding so far".

Seuraavaksi Grindstone studiolla äänitysten kohteeksi pääsee vokalisti Dani Filth.

Bändin edellinen albumi 'Hammer of the Witches' ilmestyi kesällä 2015.

As of Thursday night, the bass for the new Cradle album is complete. It was an intense few days in the studio, but the end results were very much worth it. The bass tone takes no prisoners! We're really pushing it to the next level with this album, and I'm very happy with how it's sounding so far. Thanks to Scott Atkins of Grindstone Studio for the hard work and striving to get the very best out of me, as always. Thanks also to Schecter Guitars, Darkglass Electronics, Seymour Duncan and Rotosound Music Strings for all your help and awesome gear. Next up in the studio is the main man, Dani Filth. Best of luck to him! Photo by Natalia Die Hexe #cradleoffilth #grindstonestudio #schecter #schecterguitars #darkglass #seymourduncan #rotosound #danielfirth #nataliadiehexephotography #nuclearblastrecords

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V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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