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The Grand Tourin Instagramissa riittää huumoria Jeremy Clarksonin porukan irtopäistä

27.01.2017 klo 00.05 | Luettu: 2781 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Amazon Primen autoiluohjelmasuosikin The Grand Tourin Instagramissa väännetään huumoria Lontoossa bongattujen Clarksonin, Hammondin ja Mayn irtopäistä.

"Apparently The British Museum already has enough fossils".

Apparently The British Museum already has enough fossils. #thegrandtour

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"Asked if we could stay at this big house. The old lady said no".

Asked if we could stay at this big house. The old lady said no. #thegrandtour

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"Parliamentary figures".

Parliamentary figures. #thegrandtour

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V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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