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Kun Jeremy Clarkson sanoo 'power', alkaa tapahtua

16.01.2017 klo 14.06 | Luettu: 2716 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

The Grand Tour on Amazonin kultamuna. The Grand Tour on myös aktiivinen somessa.
Perjantaina nähdystä jaksosta löytyy useampi pätkä The Grand Tourin somekanavilta.

"When Jeremy says 'Power' that can only lead to one thing";

When Jeremy says 'Power' that can only lead to one thing. #thegrandtour #amazonprimevideo

Video, jonka The Grand Tour (@itsthegrandtour) julkaisi

"Introducing the newest move from the People of the Village: Boom Out";

Introducing the newest move from the People of the Village: Boom Out. Watch #thegrandtour on #amazonprimevideo.

Video, jonka The Grand Tour (@itsthegrandtour) julkaisi

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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