Nightwishin Floor Jansen jakaa Facebookissa erityisen hetkensä
Nightwishin "loppumaton" Endless Forms Most Beautiful -kiertue pysähtyi viime viikonloppuna Belgiassa Graspop Metal Meeting -festarilla. Nightwishin laulajalle Floor Jansenille kyseessä oli erityinen tapaus, sillä Floor on vieraillut festarilla lukuisia kertoja niin esiintyjänä kuin festarivieraana. Floor oli melkeinpä "kotikentällään".
"Thank you @graspopmetalmeeting for an unforgettable night! It was a personal highlight to be one of the headliners on your stages! I have visited this festival more than any other because it was nearby to where I lived. I played there many times and came as a guest and always loved it! Such an incredible ride!"
(Photo by @timtronckoe)
"Thank you @graspopmetalmeeting for an unforgettable night! It was a personal highlight to be one of the headliners on your stages! I have visited this festival more than any other because it was nearby to where I lived. I played there many times and came as a guest and always loved it! Such an incredible ride!"
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(Photo by @timtronckoe)
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