Manowar valmistautuu viimeiseen taisteluun
Metalliveteraani Manowar suuntaa "jäähyväiskiertueelle".
Bändin omien sanojen mukaan, Manowar on aloittamassa viimeisen taistelun.
Manowarin tiedote:
"The 'Gods And Kings' tour was a groundbreaking moment in our career. The stage, sound, video and you,' our fans, were magnificent!
"Coming off such an amazing tour, it was clear that the next time we must go even bigger and beyond anything we have ever done; something that will fulfill every Manowarrior's dreams. Then that will be the ultimate moment to say 'thank you' and farewell!
The final battle will begin in Germany and take us all over the world to say goodbye to all of you".
Bändin omien sanojen mukaan, Manowar on aloittamassa viimeisen taistelun.
Manowarin tiedote:
"The 'Gods And Kings' tour was a groundbreaking moment in our career. The stage, sound, video and you,' our fans, were magnificent!
"Coming off such an amazing tour, it was clear that the next time we must go even bigger and beyond anything we have ever done; something that will fulfill every Manowarrior's dreams. Then that will be the ultimate moment to say 'thank you' and farewell!
The final battle will begin in Germany and take us all over the world to say goodbye to all of you".
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