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David Bowien perhe rikkoi mediahiljaisuuden

15.01.2016 klo 15.31 | Luettu: 3007 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Edesmenneen David Bowien perhe on rikkonut mediahiljaisuuden.

Mediatietojen mukaan Bowien ruumis on tuhkattu (New Yorkissa) ilman perheen tai ystävien läsnäoloa. Menettely oli Bowien toive.

Bowien perhe kertoo yksityisen muistotilaisuuden olevan valmisteilla. Perhe painottaa ettei ole mukana järjestämässä tulevia muistokonsertteja tai tribuuttitapahtumia.

"The family of David Bowie is currently making arrangements for a private ceremony celebrating the memory of their beloved husband, father and friend.

They ask once again that their privacy be respected at this most sensitive of times.

We are overwhelmed by and grateful for the love and support shown throughout the world.

However, it is important to note that while the concerts and tributes planned for the coming weeks are all welcome, none are official memorials organized or endorsed by the family.

Just as each and every one of us found something unique in David's music, we welcome everyone’s celebration of his life as they see fit


V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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