Slayer-vokalistin perheessä kuolinuutinen
Slayer-vokalisti Tom Arayan vaimon Sandra Arayan Facebook-sivujen mukaan Slayer-vokalistin äiti Tina on kuollut.
"Today is a sad day for our family. Tom's mom, Tina, passed away [on Thursday]. We appreciate all the calls, text and messages. My handsome and children have taken the news hard. She was a wonderful woman full of love and life. You will be missed deeply."
Arayan perheen äidin juuret ovat Chilessä.
"Today is a sad day for our family. Tom's mom, Tina, passed away [on Thursday]. We appreciate all the calls, text and messages. My handsome and children have taken the news hard. She was a wonderful woman full of love and life. You will be missed deeply."
Arayan perheen äidin juuret ovat Chilessä.
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