Linkin Parkin vokalisti loukkaantui, keikat seis
Linkin Park joutuu perumaan keikkansa aina helmikuun puoliväliin asti vokalisti Chester Benningtonin jalkavamman johdosta.
"The injury requires immediate medical attention making it physically impossible for Bennington to perform. 'I'm really disappointed this injury has made it impossible to continue with this tour. The first couple of shows were just magical. We will truly miss not being with our fans for the next few weeks. Hope to see you again soon'", todetaan bändin Facebook-sivuilla.
"The injury requires immediate medical attention making it physically impossible for Bennington to perform. 'I'm really disappointed this injury has made it impossible to continue with this tour. The first couple of shows were just magical. We will truly miss not being with our fans for the next few weeks. Hope to see you again soon'", todetaan bändin Facebook-sivuilla.
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