Entinen Guns N' Roses -hahmo julkaisee elämäntapaohjeita
Ex-Guns N' Roses -basisti Duff McKagan julkaisee toukokuun 12. päivä kirjan nimeltään How To Be A Man (And Other Illusions).
TotalRock Radion haastattelussa McKagan kertoi viime vuonna kirjastaan seuraavaa. Luvassa on siis "kieli poskessa" kirjoitettuja elämäntapaohjeita pesunkestävältä rokkarilta:
"I had a column for the Seattle Weekly for five years, and there was one column that was called 'How To Be A Man', and it was kind of tongue in cheek; it was really tongue in cheek. And I got a book deal from that column. It's a how-to guide of things I've learned about life — being a dad, being a husband and being in a rock band. And it's, like, a city guide in it, but a very tongue-in-cheek city guide; like, how I see cities. It's got all kinds of stuff. And other stories. And hopefully it's gonna be a funny book."
TotalRock Radion haastattelussa McKagan kertoi viime vuonna kirjastaan seuraavaa. Luvassa on siis "kieli poskessa" kirjoitettuja elämäntapaohjeita pesunkestävältä rokkarilta:
"I had a column for the Seattle Weekly for five years, and there was one column that was called 'How To Be A Man', and it was kind of tongue in cheek; it was really tongue in cheek. And I got a book deal from that column. It's a how-to guide of things I've learned about life — being a dad, being a husband and being in a rock band. And it's, like, a city guide in it, but a very tongue-in-cheek city guide; like, how I see cities. It's got all kinds of stuff. And other stories. And hopefully it's gonna be a funny book."
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