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Entinen Faith No More -vokalisti pyytää faneilta rahaa laskujen maksuun

04.12.2014 klo 16.33 | Luettu: 2902 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Kahdella ensimmäisellä Faith No More -levyllä laulanut Chuck Mosley on pahoissa talousvaikeuksissa. Mies pyytää faneiltaan apua, jotta hänen perheensä voisi välttää häädön nykyisestä asunnostaan. Rokkari vuodattaa tuntojaan Facebooksisa:

"Hey friends and other peoples, I am really dreading this. I have fought myself over this for more than a couple months. I seem to have no other choice than to lose my pride due to the lacking ability to provide a sense of security for my family.

The shocking truth is that i'm not rich. We struggle every day, just like most everybody, more, right now, worse than ever, in a long time.

"Our landlord wants to sell the house we've lived in for ten years, and yes, we are behind in our rent, so he's using that as leverage to get us out so he can fix up and sell, right away, Technically, we're supposed to be out today, December 3rd, but he's deciding whether to give us another week. So here I am, for my family, on my knees, asking for help.

"I'm ashamed for being in this condition, that I have to burden others who look to me only to be my friend, and for me to be theirs, and I am abusing that relationship, and I apologize, but for my family I'll do anything... legal. And that's the reality.

"I could go into a dissertation about how and why, but the bottom line is we are broker than we've been in a good good long time, and can't bail out, so here I am asking that anybody who could afford to send a few dollars to my/our PayPal account (chuck@mosleyvua.com) and for any substantial donations, we will offer up my better half's portrait of my dog, Fredo, and me, real scarface meets... me. She's an awesome artist, her name is Pip Logan, and there's a few more pieces of her work she's willing to part with for a few of the more generous donations. Just throwing that out there

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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