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Jenkkimetallistin vokalisti puhuu Jumalallisesta väliintulosta

05.11.2014 klo 00.10 | Luettu: 2707 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Jenkkimetallisti Killswitch Engagen Jesse Leach on The You Rock Foundationin haastattelussa kertonut vaikeuksistaan ja uskostaan, Jumalallisesta väliintulosta.

Leach menetti uskonsa suurempaan voimaan ja joutui samalla kysymään itseltään laajemman kysymyksen - jos Jumala on valhetta niin mikä on todellista, mihin uskoa. Lumipalloefekti johti kaiken ympärillä olevan kyseenalaistamiseen.

Leach kertoo syntyneensä ja kasvaneensa kristillisyyteen lapsesta lähtien. Mutta silti pimeys vei miehen mukanaan.

"I consider myself a pretty strong person, but when that happened, it just totally rocked my world and I wasn't able to cope with it at first; I really wasn't. I turned to alcohol and drank until I couldn't drink just to try to numb the pain. But that just made it worse, 'cause you sober up and you realize things haven't changed, and it becomes a vicious habit."

Leach kertoo myös eräästä päivästä joka muutti depression toivoksi - mies puhuu "jumalallisesta väliintulosta".

"I had one night in particular, where I was ready. It was, like, hopelessness, total hopelessness. I had intervention, divine intervention…. whatever you wanna call it, it happened to me. And a lot of that stuff has happened to me through my life. Call it what you will. If you don't believe in God, you believe in the science of it, call it intuition, call it what you wanna call it, it happened to me".

"I know that anyone can get through this, no matter what you're going through. There's always a possibility of something beautiful to happen to you, or for you to do something beautiful for yourself, and that's really important to remember. You can get through it. If anything, your life will be better in time, because you have learned from this dark time. Carry that lesson with you; it's sort of your ammunition to move forward."

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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