Amerikkainen talk show saa Metallicasta musiikkivieraan koko viikoksi
Metallica aikoo näkyä ruudussa päivittäin peräti viikon ajan "The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson" -keskusteluohjelman musiikkivieraana. Metallican tv-putki alkaa 17.11.
"We're excited to celebrate Craig Ferguson's final season on CBS as he has asked us to join him for an entire week of performances starting Monday, November 17th. We'll be playing every night that week and on the first night (Monday) we'll sit down with Craig to chat about all things 'TALLICA".
Craig Ferguson on ilmoittanut jättävänsä CBS:n The Late Late Shown joulukuussa.
"We're excited to celebrate Craig Ferguson's final season on CBS as he has asked us to join him for an entire week of performances starting Monday, November 17th. We'll be playing every night that week and on the first night (Monday) we'll sit down with Craig to chat about all things 'TALLICA".
Craig Ferguson on ilmoittanut jättävänsä CBS:n The Late Late Shown joulukuussa.
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