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Aerosmith-kitaristi kirjoitti muustakin kuin seksistä ja nautintoaineista

21.10.2014 klo 15.20 | Luettu: 1707 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Aerosmithin kitaristi Joe Perry on myös julkaissut muistelmansa. FOX-TV:n haastattelussa (Good Day New York) Perry totesi "Rocks: My Life In And Out Of Aerosmith" -opuksen menevän syvemmälle kuin pelkästään kertaavan tuttua "sex, drugs & rock'n'roll" -kuvastoa.

"I mean, there's no denying we had our ups and downs with that. But it's deeper than that. And I think that one of the things that people will be surprised at is the amount of tension and the amount of effort that went into keeping the band together after we got sober and all during the '80s and '90s when we were, arguably, more successful than we were in the '70s."

Billboard.comin haastattelussa Perry väitti jättäneensä bändärit rauhaan jopa Aerosmihtin huuruisimpina vuosina.

"I was always kind of a one-girl guy, and I was always looking for the right girl. I finally found her. We have a 30-year marriage, and we're still going strong."

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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