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Cannibal Corpse paljastaa taustat Venäjän keikkaongelmille

17.10.2014 klo 08.46 | Luettu: 2744 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Amerikalainen death metal -veteraani Cannibal Corpse on vuodattanut tuntojaan kuoppaisesti sujuneen Venäjän kierroksen tapahtumista. Bändi joutui perumaan peräti kolme keikkaa "teknisten ongelmien" johdosta (V2.fi-uutinen).

Ufan, Moskovan ja Pietarin keikat peruttiin, vain hetkeä ennen tapahtuman alkua. Kaikissa tapauksissa bändi oli paikalla mutta lavalle asti heitä ei päästetty. Yhtyeen julkaisemasta vuodatuksesta voi lukea Moskovan ja Pietarin keikan kaatuneen virallisesti viisumiongelmiin.

"As you all are certainly aware by now, our concerts in Ufa, Moscow, and St. Petersburg were cancelled. We were present in these cities and ready to perform each of these shows but were not permitted to. In Ufa the power was turned off shortly before the show (we were told because the venue was late on rent), and in Moscow and St. Petersburg we were told that we did not have the correct visas and that if we attempted to perform the concert would be stopped by police and we would be detained and deported (prior to the tour we had been told that we did have the correct visas and that all of our paperwork was in order).

Our show in Nizhny Novgorod also had problems. In that city we performed half of our set before being stopped by police. We were told the police needed to search the venue for drugs and that the show had to be terminated.

These are the reasons for the cancellations as far as we have been told".

Cannibal Corpse jatkaa Euroopan kierrostaan Ruotsin ja Norjan keikoilla.

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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