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Joku unohti kertoa Poisonin rumpalille tulevasta kiertueesta!

22.09.2014 klo 18.10 | Luettu: 2448 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Veteraaniorkesteri Poison on lähdössä kiertueelle jälleen ensi vuoden puolella. Ainakin jos uskomme vokalisti Bret Michaelsin puheita.

Poisonin rumpali Rikki Rockett ei ole kuulemma kuullut asiasta mitään...
Tuoreessa haastattelussa (The Shoe Radio, Miles "The Shoe" Schuman) Rockett myötään olevansa asiasta suurena kysymysmerkkinä.

"I'm not gonna say if it will happen or won't happen, because I really don't know. Nobody's given me any indication that there's a tour at all".

"I don't know why said what he said. Nobody's sat down with me and said, 'There's a pending tour here. What do you think about that?' I haven't heard anything about that. So the reality is, at this point in time, right now, as I sit here talking to you, there is not a POISON tour. That doesn't mean there couldn't be one. But I'm just saying that I haven't had a contract come across my table. I didn't get the text. I didn't get the memo on that one".

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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